Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"When did Harry Potter become a gay porn star?"
-- Maribeth

[Daniel Radcliffe releases photos promoting his upcoming appearance in Equus.]


beam aims north said...

The naked butt photos from Equus were totally okay with me.

But his attire in the People photo was the closest possible People-friendly alternative to a leather harness. And the photo was totally not taken while he was acting in the play.

I read that the audiences of Equus were not disappointed. IYKWIM.

Richard Mason said...

I have the impression that the sexy leather photos were intended to promote Equus though not necessarily being from the play.

badmomgoodmom said...

Mark saw the play in London with another actor playing the part. He says, there will be much full nudity. If it ever comes to LA, Mark and I will go see it.

I sent a man on-stage nude once for Shakespeare in the park. But, I was backstage and only saw his backside. The city got on my case the next day because nudity is banned in public parks. Who knew? Certainly not the wardrobe mistress.

beam aims north said...

Isn't the job of the wardrobe mistress to, you know, clothe people?